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Custom CA

OpenStack provides public-facing API endpoints which protection by SSL/TLS certificates is highly recommended in production environments. These certificates are usually issued by public CA but also the custom or private CA could be used.

If the communication with OpenStack API is protected by the certificate issued by custom CA the cacert setting needs to be provided inside clouds.yaml, e.g.:

cacert: ca-bundle.pem
project_domain_id: default
project_name: demo
user_domain_id: default
identity_api_version: 3
region_name: RegionOne
interface: public

Here the file ca-bundle.pem contains custom root CA and potentially intermediate CA(s).

The ca-bundle.pem file will be copied to the management server and used by CAPO in the management cluster. Also, it will be copied to the workload cluster (control plane and worker nodes) and mounted and used by OCCM and CCSI pods. So provide only the necessary certificates in that file.

Steps of what happens with the custom cacert in k8s-cluster-api-provider:

  1. cacert setting is provided inside clouds.yaml

  2. Cacert file referenced by cacert key (1.) is copied to the management server directory ~/cluster-defaults/${cloud_provider}-cacert by OpenTofu

  3. During the management server bootstrap process cacert is injected to the ~/cluster-defaults/cluster-template.yaml to KubeadmControlPlane and KubeadmConfigTemplate files as file with cacert content from already defined secret ${CLUSTER_NAME}-cloud-config and will be later templated and copied to the workload cluster (control plane and worker nodes) provisioned by CAPO, e.g.:

    - contentFrom:
    key: cacert
    name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}-cloud-config
    owner: root:root
    path: /etc/ssl/certs/devstack-cacert
    permissions: "0644"
  4. When the creation of the workload cluster ( starts, ~/cluster-defaults/cluster-template.yaml is copied into workload cluster directory (~/$CLUSTER_NAME/)

  5. Then the cacert file content is base64 encoded and saved in OPENSTACK_CLOUD_CACERT_B64 variable inside ~/$CLUSTER_NAME/clusterctl.yaml, so it can be used during the workload cluster templating

  6. Later, when the workload cluster templates are applied to the management cluster, secret ${CLUSTER_NAME}-cloud-config with base64 encoded cacert is created and used by CAPO

  7. CAPO will create workload cluster (thanks to steps 5. and 6.) and cacert is transferred to the control plane and worker nodes (thanks to steps 3. and 4.)

  8. OCCM and CCSI pods mount cacert via hostPath volume and use it for e.g. creating load balancers or volumes


When the custom CA expires or otherwise changes it needs to be rotated. CAPO uses the custom CA certificate in the management cluster for creating the infrastructure for the workload clusters and in the workload clusters by OCCM and CCSI for e.g. creating load balancers or volumes. In both cases, cacert is provided via secret ${CLUSTER_NAME}-cloud-config and needs to be updated.

There are 3 steps in this rotation process:

  1. Replace/append custom CA certificate in ~/cluster-defaults/${cloud_provider}-cacert
  2. Increase generation counters CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_GEN and WORKER_MACHINE_GEN in ~/$CLUSTER_NAME/clusterctl.yaml
  3. Run $CLUSTER_NAME and wait for the rolling update of your workload cluster

In step 1, appending can be useful for avoiding downtime of your services. Your cacert file will contain two CA certificates - old and new. This should help with a smooth transition to a new certificate and later, the old one can be removed.

Steps 2 and 3 need to be done per workload cluster.

When step 2 is omitted, only cacert secret in the management cluster is updated and no rolling update of the workload cluster in step 3 is started and existing nodes remain with the old certificate.