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Create a new cluster

On the management server (login with make ssh), create a directory (below the home of the standard ubuntu user) with the name of your cluster. Copy over clusterctl.yaml from ~/cluster-defaults/ and edit it according to your needs. You can also copy over other files from ~/cluster-defaults/ and adjust them, but this is only needed in exceptional cases. Now run <CLUSTER_NAME>

This will copy all missing defaults from ~/cluster-defaults/ into the directory with your cluster name and then ask cluster-api to create the cluster. The scripts also take care of security groups, anti-affinity, node image registration (if needed) and of deploying CCM, CNI, CSI as well as optional services such as metrics or nginx-ingress controller.

You can access the new cluster with kubectl --context clustername-admin@cluster or KUBECONFIG=~/clustername/clustername.yaml kubectl.

The management cluster is in context kind-kind.

Note that you can always change clusterctl.yaml and re-run The script is idempotent and running it multiple times with the unchanged input file will result in no changes to the cluster.