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Cluster API requires an existing Kubernetes cluster to operate. In our setup, we utilize kind a tool for running Kubernetes clusters using Docker containers, to create the initial management Kubernetes cluster in a single docker container. The OpenStack instance serves as the CAPI management server or management cluster, responsible for overseeing the management and operation of the created kubernetes clusters.

The provisioning of the CAPI management server is done on a deployment host, possibly a tiny jumphost style VM, or some Linux/MacOS/WSL laptop.

Requirements for the deployment host:

  • You need to have installed:
    • OpenTofu
    • yq (python3-yq or yq snap)
    • GNU make
    • openstack (python3-openstackclient) and plugin for octavia (python3-octaviaclient) Via pip or your distribution. Needed only in case you want to clean the management server or interact with openstack directly.
  • You must have credentials to access the cloud. OpenTofu will look for clouds.yaml and optionally secure.yaml in the current working directory (terraform), in ~/.config/openstack/ or /etc/openstack (in this order), just like the openstack client.
  • The API endpoints of the OpenStack cloud should have a certificate signed by a trusted CA. (Self-signed or custom CAs need significant manual work -- this will be improved after R4.)
  • An Environment file for the cloud you want to use. See Environments below for more details.


To use a specific environment, you have to set the ENVIRONMENT variable (export ENVIRONMENT=<yourcloud>) or pass it to the make command by using make <command> ENVIRONMENT=<yourcloud>. You can also do the same by utilizing the OS_CLOUD (openstack native) variable. The name of the environment is derived from the name of the file environments/environment-<yourcloud>.tfvars.

The name of the environment specified either via ENVIRONMENT or OS_CLOUD has to be equal the name of the cloud (cloud_provider) as specified in your clouds.yaml.

In case you use plusserver community environment or wavestack environment you can use the default environment file for those directly or base your configuration on it. In case you need custom configuration see Custom environment.

More information about the configuration options can be found in the configuration documentation.

Plusserver community environment

Using it directly: export ENVIRONMENT=gx-scs

or insert inside of Makefile: ENVIRONMENT=gx-scs

File: environments/environment-gx-scs.tfvars

The name of the cloud has to be gx-scs in the cloud.yaml file, otherwise you will need to change the cloud_provider variable inside of terraform/environments/environment-gx-scs.tfvars file.

Wavestack environment

Using it directly: export ENVIRONMENT=gx-wavestack

or insert inside of Makefile: ENVIRONMENT=gx-wavestack

File: environments/environment-gx-wavestack.tfvars

The name of the cloud has to be gx-wavestack in the cloud.yaml file, otherwise you will need to change the cloud_provider variable inside of terraform/environments/environment-gx-scs.tfvars file.

Custom environment

You can create your own environment file from the sample file environments/environment-default.tfvars and provide the necessary information like machine flavor or machine image. You can comment out all lines where the defaults match your needs.