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Container registry configuration

Containerd as container runtime interface (CRI) used in the reference SCS KaaS implementation allows configuring its behavior when it interacts with public or private container registry hosts. Container registry hosts configuration options in containerd are well described in related docs.

This feature could be useful in various uses cases, e.g.:

  • Configure containerd to use a custom CA certificate when it interacts with a container registry host that uses this CA
  • Configure containerd to use some container registry mirror host instead of the target public or private container registry. This could be useful when the target container registry somehow restricts its clients e.g. DockerHub's pull rate limit to 100 pulls per 6 hours per IP address

SCS KaaS reference implementation allows users to pass container registry host config files to configure containerd. Containerd configuration is applied cluster wide as it is CRI used in SCS KaaS clusters. Additional registry host config files for containerd could be passed through the containerd_registry_files opentofu variable. This variable expects an object with two attributes:

  • hosts attribute defines additional registry host config files for containerd. The filename should reference the registry host namespace. Files defined in this set will be copied into the /etc/containerd/certs.d directory on each workload cluster node
  • certs attribute defines additional client and/or CA certificate files needed for containerd authentication against registries defined by hosts. Files defined in this set will be copied into the /etc/containerd/certs directory on each workload cluster node

The default value of the containerd_registry_files variable instructs containerd to use container registry instance as a public mirror of DockerHub container registry, see related issue #417. The host config file used as a default is defined here. This should prevent issues with pull rate limiting from DockerHub public container registry, e.g. #414.

The above default value could be overridden using any techniques that OpenTofu allows, e.g. via environment variable:

export TF_VAR_containerd_registry_files='{"hosts":["<path to the custom container registry host config>"], "certs":["<path to the custom CA or client certificate>"]}'

SCS container registry reference installation contains several pre-configured "proxy-cache" projects. These projects allow you to use SCS container registry reference installation to proxy and cache images from target public registries. This may reduce the load of overused public container registries and/or helps to avoid rate limiting by individual public registries. Currently, SCS container registry is set up to "proxy-cache" the following public container registries:


Find also a corresponding containerd registry host config files in ./terraform/files/containerd directory. If you want to configure containerd to use mentioned pre-configured SCS container registry "proxy cache" projects, feel free to do that e.g. as follows (path is relative to the terraform directory):

export TF_VAR_containerd_registry_files='{"hosts":["./files/containerd/", "./files/containerd/", "./files/containerd/", "./files/containerd/", "./files/containerd/" ]}'

If you did not find your preferred public container registry in the list of pre-configured SCS container registry "proxy cache" projects, and you would like to use the SCS container registry as a mirror for it, please open an issue in one of the following repositories: scs/k8s-cluster-api-provider, scs/k8s-harbor.

Tutorial: configure an existing cluster to use containerd registry configuration

This tutorial is experimental and out of the usual release cycle. We recommend to upgrade existing environments (workload clusters) with stable releases which are properly tested.

This tutorial instructs (advanced) users what needs to be done on the cluster management instance without re-deploying it via OpenTofu. Patches described in this tutorial modify existing environment with changes that have been developed within "containerd registry"-related PRs:

  • PR#432
  • PR#447
  • PR#472

Warning: This tutorial causes a rolling update (rolling re-deployment) of the control plane and worker nodes.

  1. Log in to the cluster management instance, pull remote changes, and then checkout to relevant commit that includes all mentioned PRs.

    cd k8s-cluster-api-provider/
    git pull
    git checkout b31a79db26c3956b473f026038e71e9aba7819b8
  2. Backup the config directory of an existing cluster.

    cd ..
  3. Ensure that the directory for containerd registry configs exists and create a default containerd registry config file that instructs containerd to use container registry instance as a public mirror of DockerHub. Optionally, create another containerd container registry host file in the containerd/hosts directory. You can find working examples of those files here.

    mkdir -p containerd/hosts
    cat >containerd/hosts/ <<EOF
    server = ""

    capabilities = ["pull"]
    override_path = true
    # Optionally, create another containerd container registry host file here.
  4. Injects containerd registry host file(s) (from point 3.) into cluster-template.yaml. Script does the injection. cluster-template.yaml <CLUSTER_NAME>
  5. Inject containerd configuration in cluster-template.yaml. This configuration allows containerd to discover registry host file(s).

    • Create containerd_conf_append temp file

      cat >containerd_conf_append <<EOF
      cat <<EOT >> /etc/containerd/config.toml
      config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
    • Inject temp file and systemctl restart containerd.service line into the cluster-template.yaml (inplace)

      yq 'select(.kind == "KubeadmControlPlane").spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.preKubeadmCommands |= (
      (.[] | select(. == "apt-get install -y ca-certificates socat*") | key + 1) as $pos |
      .[:$pos] +
      [load_str("containerd_conf_append")] +
      .[$pos:])' -i cluster-template.yaml

      yq 'select(.kind == "KubeadmControlPlane").spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.preKubeadmCommands |= (
      (.[] | select(. == "systemctl daemon-reload") | key + 1) as $pos |
      .[:$pos] +
      ["systemctl restart containerd.service"] +
      .[$pos:])' -i cluster-template.yaml

      yq 'select(.kind == "KubeadmConfigTemplate").spec.template.spec.preKubeadmCommands |= (
      (.[] | select(. == "apt-get install -y ca-certificates socat*") | key + 1) as $pos |
      .[:$pos] +
      [load_str("containerd_conf_append")] +
      .[$pos:])' -i cluster-template.yaml

      yq 'select(.kind == "KubeadmConfigTemplate").spec.template.spec.preKubeadmCommands |= (
      (.[] | select(. == "systemctl daemon-reload") | key + 1) as $pos |
      .[:$pos] +
      ["systemctl restart containerd.service"] +
      .[$pos:])' -i cluster-template.yaml
  6. The above changes (when point 8. will be applied) of KubeadmControlPlane will cause a rolling update of control plane nodes. As the KubeadmConfigTemplate has been adjusted we need to increase the generation counter of worker machines to ensure that the worker nodes will be rolling updated as well.

    sed -r 's/(^WORKER_MACHINE_GEN: genw)([0-9][0-9])/printf "\1%02d" $((\2+1))/ge' -i clusterctl.yaml
  7. Workaround: If your environment contains nginx ingress deployed via k8s-cluster-api-provider (variable DEPLOY_NGINX_INGRESS=true) disable its update. Nginx-ingress controller has been updated to version 1.8.0 in PR#440 and later to 1.8.1. This is a breaking change that includes updates of immutable fields. If the above is the case skip this update as follows:

    sed 's/DEPLOY_NGINX_INGRESS: true/DEPLOY_NGINX_INGRESS: false/g' -i clusterctl.yaml
  8. Update the existing cluster. test1