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Applies are there to roll out Ansible Plays. These are executed as background activity via a queuing system so that, for example, the loss of an SSH connection does not result in the execution being aborted. In this case, the logs can also be analyzed retrospectively.

List all available plays

$ osism apply
2023-09-30 10:09:25 | INFO | No role given for execution. The roles listed in the table can be used.
| Role | Environment |
| aodh | kolla |
| barbican | kolla |
| bifrost | kolla |
| bifrost-keypair | kolla |
| ceilometer | kolla |
| certificates | generic |
| cinder | kolla |
| cloudkitty | kolla |
| collectd | kolla |
| common | kolla |
| designate | kolla |
| elasticsearch | kolla |
| etcd | kolla |
| glance | kolla |
| gnocchi | kolla |
| grafana | kolla |
| heat | kolla |
| horizon | kolla |
| ironic | kolla |
| iscsi | kolla |

Apply a role

$ osism apply operator -l node01
2024-06-14 09:33:10 | INFO | Task f94a2e6f-d199-421c-b7b7-743db4661305 (operator) was prepared for execution.
2024-06-14 09:33:10 | INFO | It takes a moment until task f94a2e6f-d199-421c-b7b7-743db4661305 (operator) has been started and output is visible here.

PLAY [Make ssh pipelining working] *********************************************

TASK [Do not require tty for all users] ****************************************
ok: [node01]


PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
2024-06-14 09:34:14 | INFO | Play has been completed. There may now be a delay until all logs have been written.
2024-06-14 09:34:14 | INFO | Please wait and do not abort execution.
node01 : ok=11 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=5 rescued=0 ignored=0

Use of custom plays and roles

Custom plays and roles can be used in all environments of the configuration repository to add logic which should also be part of the configuration repository.


It seems to us to be a good idea to minimize the amount of such special solutions, as extensive in-house solutions can potentially result in unexpected interactions or additional testing-, integration and maintenance work.

We would also like to make a clear recommendation that, if possible, missing functions should be resolved by contributing to OSISM.

Some facts about custom plays and roles:

  • Plays must be stored under the following naming scheme so that they can be executed with the OSISM command. environments/<environment>/playbook-<the name of the play>.yml
  • Without specifying a particular environment the "custom" environment is used.
    # executes: environments/custom/playbook-setup-serial-device.yml
    osism apply setup-serial-device
  • Specifying a play of a environment:
    # executes environments/deph/playbook-wipe-parititons.yml
    osism apply -e ceph wipe-parititons
  • Custom roles that are used for a specific environment must be stored under the following path so that they can be found by plays. environments/<environment>/roles/<role>/

Example play with roles: Manage the infrastructure of the SCS testing environment

The SCS hardware landscape testing environment provides a selection of custom roles which are used to manage some infrastructural aspects of this testing environment.

Example play: Wiping partitions

For example, this is a play to prepare all devices to be used for Ceph on a Ceph resource node.

  • It is saved in the configuration repository in the file environments/ceph/playbook-wipe-partitions.yml.
  • It is run with osism apply -e ceph wipe-parititons.

Just to be on the safe side: The following example can be useful, but it can also cause a lot of damage. Be warned!

- name: Wipe partitions
hosts: ceph-resource
gather_facts: false

- name: Find all logical devices with prefix ceph
paths: /dev/mapper
recurse: false
file_type: link
patterns: "ceph*"
register: result

- name: Remove all ceph related logical devices
become: true
ansible.builtin.command: "dmsetup remove {{ item.path }}"
loop: "{{ result.files }}"
changed_when: true

- name: Wipe partitions with wipefs
become: true
ansible.builtin.command: "wipefs --all {{ item }}"
changed_when: true
loop: "{{ ansible_local.testbed_ceph_devices_all }}"

- name: Overwrite first 32M with zeros
become: true
ansible.builtin.command: "dd if=/dev/zero of={{ item }} bs=1M count=32 oflag=direct,dsync"
changed_when: true
loop: "{{ ansible_local.testbed_ceph_devices_all }}"