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k3s - A simple deployment on a single host

From a new machine to a working status page in ~15 minutes.


A VM or bare metal host with a public IP. Optional: A domain pointing to the public IP.

k3s setup

Setting up k3s to run k8s workloads on the machine.

Firewall settings

Allow communication to and from the cluster.


  • 6443 Kubernetes API server
  • 80 HTTP ingress
  • 443 HTTPS ingress


  • - Pod communication
  • - Service communication

ufw example

ufw allow 6443/tcp # api server
ufw allow from to any # pods
ufw allow from to any # services

ufw allow 80/tcp # http
ufw allow 443/tcp # https


Configure and install k3s directly via install script. See the k3s server config.

curl -sfL | sh -s - server \
--tls-san <your-ip> \
--tls-san <your-domain>

Setting the SANs enables the k3s server to be available via your domain and server ip.


Deploy services to the cluster, to get the status page running.

If you don't have access to a domain name, consider using to use as (sub)domains for Dex, Oathkeeper (API server) and the web frontend.

Kube config

The newly generated kube config for the cluster is located at /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml. Copy to your machine to configure access to the cluster.

Change the URI at .clusters[0].cluster.server to the URI you added to the SAN config.

Deploy cert manager

Deploy cert-manager on the cluster to automatically receive LetsEncrypt certificates.

See issuer.yaml for settings.

Configure and deploy status page

For in depth configuration see

Assemble and deploy the k3s deployment.

kubectl kustomize kubernetes/environments/k3s/ > k3s_out.yaml
kubectl apply -f k3s_out.yaml
# or
kubectl apply -k kubernetes/environments/k3s/

The deployment creates a namespace called status-page where all services, ingress, etc. gets deployed.