📄️ Overview
The status page needs some components additional to the API server to be usable by operators and customers. As the API server does not implement any kind of authorization or authentication some components need to be deployed to protect the write operations of the API from unauthorized access.
📄️ Requirements
The requirements are specific for the relevant environment.
📄️ Quickstart
To get a quickstart, please refer to the KinD or k3s guide.
🗃️ Configuration
4 items
📄️ Usage
You can use and test the API via any API client (Bruno, built in Swagger UI, etc.), CLI tool (like curl) or the web frontend.
📄️ Monitoring
All backend components of the status page can be instrumented to supply metrics. These metrics can be collected and visualized by monitoring technologies like Prometheus and Grafana.
📄️ Contribute
Contributions are welcome at SovereignCloudStack/status-page-deployment.
📄️ Admin authentication
As the write operations of the API server are protected by Oathkeeper and use identities provided by Dex an Administrator is considered to be a person that can authenticate on Dex.
📄️ FAQ
Dex needs a GitHub client secret. Where can I get it?