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Naming for domains/groups/roles/project when onboarding new customers


When CSPs try to enroll a new customer they encounter themselves in a situation where they have to choose names for the openstack domain, project and user.


Create a naming convention to use during the provisioning of the users and groups through an openstack domain.

Design Considerations


Options considered

PS approach to naming

For naming the customers the suggestion from PS is the following:

A prefix will be used to differentiate domain, project and user in the openstack environment. The project name is also added as a suffix.

So the onboarding tool will create the following structure for a new customer onboarded in the system.

domain: d<customer_id>
project: p<customer_id>-<project_name>
user: u<customer_id>-<user_name>

For the customer also a domain admin group and a project admin group are created. Please note that, at the time of writing, PCO is not making any use of OpenStack domains to isolate customers. So, for the scope of this document, the term "domain admin" is used in a conceptual way rather than referring to the specific OpenStack implementation. For the scope of this document "domain admins" can do things like creating projects, creating users and granting users access to some projects (within the domain of course). "Users" can create and view resources within the projects that they have been granted access to by the "domain admin". These groups use the prefix "gd" for domain group and "gp" for group project and are build like the following:

domain admin group: gd<customer_id>-member
project admin group: gp<customer_id>-<project_name>-member

For the creation of a domain a new domain admin group is created.

openstack domain create d000001
openstack group create gd000001-member

When a project is created a new admin group for that project is created.

openstack project create p000001-scs_dev_project
openstack group create p000001-scs_dev_project-member

After the creation of a project it is necessary to assign roles to the new groups.

openstack role add --group gd000001-member --project p000001-scs_dev_project $role
openstack role add --group gp000001-scs_dev_project-member --project p000001-scs_dev_project $role

For the creation of regular non admin users, the accounts will be added to the "domain admin" group to give them access to all projects within the domain.

openstack user created u000001-user1
openstack group add user gd000001-member u000001-user1

In the case of machine accounts, they are only added to the specific "project admin" groups.

openstack user created u000001-svc_user_project
openstack group add user gp000001-scs_dev_project-member u000001-svc_user_project

In case of using federation, there are suggestions to the namings within Keycloak.

The realms in Keycloak for each customer would be the same as the customer. e.g. The Keycloak realm for "Customer A" will be called "Customer A".

There should be an OIDC client in each customer realm to allow the federation to the Proxy realm. Currently called OSISM on the testbed.

On the proxy realm, it's needed to add this new customer realm as an identity provider. During the creation of the identity provider for "Customer A", the field "Alias" should be set to <customer-id>. This will make that the users federated from realm "Customer A" to the proxy realm to be prefixed to avoid naming collisions, e.g. d${ALIAS}-${CLAIM.preferred_username}.

Also, on the identity federation there should be configured to store the <customer-id> from that realm into the users. So it can be sent to Keystone mapping to use it as gd<customer-id>-member and gp<customer-id>-<project_name>-member. There is also the necessity of a mapper to send the openstack-default-project.

Add the additional mappings for roles and groups as necessary to get the attributes from the customer realm into the OIDC userinfo that is put into the OIDC to the proxy realm and from there to Keystone.

Option 2

Option 2 description

Open questions




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