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SSD Flavors


SCS defines an IaaS Flavor Naming standard that mandates a number of standard flavors to be available in each SCS-compliant IaaS offering. While offering or exposing IaaS is not a requirement for SCS-compliant infrastructure offerings — SCS allows for platforms only exposing the container layer (plus S3 compatible object storage) for wave 2 (container-based) cloud-native workloads -- the SCS reference implementation does include a complete IaaS implementation that many providers want to expose as they have customers desiring access at this layer for wave 1 (VM-based) cloud-native workloads or for the virtualization of more classical (not cloud-native) workloads. The IaaS implementation thus comes with standards.

This Decision Record is about adding a few mandatory flavors on the IaaS level that include flavors with local SSD (or better) storage.


The currently defined standard flavors do not include flavors that use local storage. For certain workloads such as databases or big data filesystems, local storage is highly desirable as replication may be handled at the application layer, making replication/redundancy in a networked storage solution (ceph in the SCS reference implementation) an unneeded and undesired property. Furthermore, write access to networked and replicated storage typically incurs a certain latency, as the writes can only be acknowledged once all the replicas have confirmed that the data has hit stable storage. Write latency is critical for e.g. relational database performance.

The main purpose for the IaaS layer in SCS is to perform as a solid foundation to provide and manage kubernetes container clusters in a multi-tenant scenario. As such the standards at the IaaS layer should ensure that all the needed types of resources are available for the container clusters. This is not currently the case: In a scenario with multiple k8s control-plane nodes set up via kubeadm (as part of the k8s cluster-api automation), the control plane nodes each run an etcd instance and together form an etcd cluster.

etcd is sensitive to scheduling, network and storage latencies. While network latencies and scheduling latencies have not been observed to be an issue in clusters within one cloud region, the storage latency is. With remote networked storage as delivered from ceph, the long tail of write latency causes etcd to often time out heartbeats, causing a new leader election with a leader change, preventing control plane changes on k8s for a few seconds. Too many leader changes can slow down cluster operation and even bring it to a halt.

The etcd requirements are well documented. In particular, over a hundred of sequential IOPS are recommended. This requires write latencies in the range of a single-digit ms (or better).

Design Considerations

Options considered

One-node etcd (backed by redundant storage)

If k8s uses only one control plane node, there will only be one etcd node, avoiding timed out heartbeats. Single node control planes are typically not recommended for production workloads though. They are limited with respect to control plane performance, have a higher chance to fail (as a single node failure can create cluster control-plane downtime) and can not undergo rolling upgrades.

Though not the normal setup with kubeadm, it is possible to use a multi-node control plane using a single-node etcd. This shares some of the challenges of single-node control-planes, although recovery may be faster to perform at least in scenarios where the etcd backend storage is redundant and not affected by the single-node outage.

Neither scenario fulfills typical requirements for production workloads.

RAM (tmpfs) etcd storage

etcd could keep its database in volatile memory (e.g. on a tmpfs filesystem). For multi-node etcd clusters, this could actually be made work, as long as at least one cluster member stays alive and proper care is taken to remove shut-down nodes from the cluster. A loss of power affecting all nodes or a hardware maintenance operation not tracking etcd needs would result in a complete loss of all cluster state. The control plane nodes would require live migration to avoid this in the maintenance case. For the power loss scenario, a frequent backup might mitigate the cluster state loss case somewhat.

The etcd database is normally limited to 2GiB in size, which is something that is realistic to keep in main memory. (Typical database sizes are much smaller.)

This option requires additional care and may not be suitable for all production scenarios, but would seem a possible fallback position for etcd. It does obviously not address the database scenario.

Heartbeat slowdown

To avoid causing too many fail-overs by occasional high latencies, the frequency of heartbeats can be lowered from the default 1/100ms. The reelection timeout should change along with it (typically set to 10 beats).

This will cause etcd to take a bit more time to notice the loss of a node, which is not typically critical if done within reasonable limits. This change however does not fully address the issue — occasional write latencies above 100ms will still cause failed heartbeats, just less often.

This change has been implemented in the k8s-cluster-api-provider reference implementation: The heartbeat has been changed from 1/100ms (10/s) to 1/250ms (4/s) and the reelection timeout from 1s to 2.5s.

The etcd process also is afforded a higher CPU priority (lower niceness), resulting in a lower scheduling latency, as high-prio processes preempt lower-prio ones when they get woken up. The etcd process also gets its IO priority increased to get treated preferentially in case the IO scheduler has many outstanding requests. This has some positive effects with the CFQ IO scheduler.

The slower heartbeat and the priority tweaks do lower the amount of leader changes but are insufficient to completely address the issue on the tests performed against networked ceph-backed storage.

Filesystem tuning

Databases must ensure that certain data has hit stable storage before acknowledging writes — this is required in order to live up to the ACID guarantees in situations when disruptions might happen. Databases typically use fsync() calls to ensure that write buffers are written to real persistent storage unless they use raw/direct block devices circumventing Linux's page and buffer cache.

etcd normally uses a write-ahead-log (WOL) file that lives on a Linux filesystem and uses fsync to ensure the correct write ordering. Trouble with fsync is that it also causes unrelated data to be written out with most existing Linux filesystems, adding to the latency.

It is possible to tell the Linux filesystems to not wait for all data to have hit storage before returning from fsync() calls. This avoids the latency caused by fsync but also subverts the very reason for using fsync: In case of a disruption (OS crash, power outage, loss of connection to storage, ...), the state is likely not consistent, as the kernel has lied to the application about data having been written out. Recovery from such a scenario can range from smooth to impossible.

In a multi-node cluster, this may not be as bad as it sounds — if only one node is affected by a disruption, the crashed node can be recovered by resyncing the data from other nodes. In practice an inconsistent state would be considered too risky, and it should be preferred to set up a fresh node to join the existing etcd cluster. This would need to be implemented to make this option less risky.

The reference implementation has an option to use these unsafe filesystem settings. However, they are not enabled by default for good reasons.

Flavors with local storage

Flavors with local storage will have their root filesystem on a local storage device. To fulfill the need for high IOPS that etcd and especially databases have, the local storage device should be a solid state device — an SSD or NVMe device. While some use cases might even be fulfilled with local spinning disks (or raid arrays of local spinning disks).

Local solid state storage avoids any network overhead and offers best latency. It however is not typically redundant, meaning that the loss of the device or the complete hardware node will result in data loss. So it is meant to be used with applications such as database clusters, replicating filesystems or block devices or etcd which can handle this at the application layer.

The flavor naming spec in SCS allows performance to be understated — a flavor with NVMe storage can be advertised under the SSD storage name (and of course can be offered under both names).

Note that this addresses the simple case where the root disk with the root filesystem (and possibly additional filesystems that are set up when first booting) uses the local storage. Scenarios where additional low-latency networked or local storage are made available via cinder and attached for database storage are possible and viable options for some scenarios, but not covered here.


Two new mandatory flavors: SCS-2V-4-20s and SCS-4V-16-100s are added to the SCS flavor naming standard. The first is meant to be a good fit for k8s control nodes with etcd while the latter is a solid base for a small database server. Clouds claiming SCS-compliance for their IaaS layer MUST provide these two additional flavors.

Obviously providers MAY offer many more combinations and e.g. create flavors with large local SSDs.

The local storage advertised this way MUST support more than 1000 sequential IOPS per VM of both new mandatory types (which means a write latency lower than 1ms — this typically means SSDs/NVMEs that support at least several 10ks of parallel IOPS, not a challenge for current hardware).

Local disks, SSDs, NVMes MUST have Power-Loss-Protection such that data reported to be written, but in reality being stored in RAM or SLC cache of an SSD or NVMe, is guaranteed to not be lost in case of a power loss.

Like with networked storage, the provider must ensure that data from previous users is not accessible (e.g. by securely erasing it or by using a different encryption key) when local storage gets allocated to a new VM.

Out of Scope

Hardware nodes (hypervisors in OpenStack language) that support flavors with local storage (are part of an appropriate OpenStack host aggregate) may have many VMs competing for bandwidth to the attached local storage devices; the host needs to be configured such that it can sustain VMs writing at full speed without causing the host to be overloaded or to cause huge queues for these writes.

A more generic approach is to apply storage QoS policies to the VMs to manage bandwidth and IOPS and create the ability to have better performance isolation with certain guarantees. While this is desirable, it has not been found a necessity for etcd in our tests. Disk IO QoS is not part of this spec but may be considered in another one.

Live-migration with local storage is significantly more difficult than with networked storage: The contents of the local disks also need to be replicated over to the new host. Live-migration for these VMs may thus take significantly longer or not be possible at all, depending on the configuration from the provider. Not supporting live-migration is OK for flavors with local disks according to the flavor naming spec — a capability to indicate whether live-migration is supported will be subject to a flavor-metadata discoverability spec that is planned for the future.

Implementation note

Local storage in OpenStack can be provided directly via nova or via the cinder service. While the latter has the advantage of making volumes visible and manageable via most of the normal cinder capabilities, it has the disadvantage of creating an indirection via iSCSI. This results in higher latency. The requirements in the above spec are not meant to mandate or prevent the implementation via either route.

The flavors will be added as mandatory flavors to the flavor-naming standard, which will thus have to be released in a v3.

The IOPS and Power-Loss requirements from this decision should become part of the flavor-naming standard for disk type s.

When we standardize storage types in the future, additional possibilities to solve the latency requirements for databases and etcd may emerge.

When we standardize QoS features there, we may amend this standard with QoS recommendations or possibly requirements.

A future flavor metadata discoverability standard will indicate whether these flavors can be live-migrated. A future VM metadata standard will allow users to request live-migration and/or cold migration or restart to be or to not be performed.

Conformance Tests

The list of mandatory flavors that needs to be present should be added to the SCS-Spec.MandatoryFlavors.yaml spec as soon as this ADR becomes part of the certification requirements.

Checks for conforming with IOPS and purging requirements will require test instances to be launched and might become part of a monitoring solution.