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Documentation Files Structure

Structure Best Practice

Overview - mandatory

  • What is it and for what do I need this? What benefits does it have for users?
  • What organization/company does this belong to? (Link to company/organization)
  • Where am I – as module – within the bigger context of SCS?

Requirements - mandatory

  • What minimal requirements do i need to quickstart?

Quickstart - optional. If it is possible, then mandatory

  • Link to requirements
  • What is the aim of this quickstart guide?
  • Caution: only for testing, not for production
  • Rule: one line per command for easy copy&paste and one line for description where possible
  • Rule: only one working path for installation!

Getting Started - mandatory

  • Aim is a production ready installation

Configuration – mandatory

  • Showing all possible config options

Contribute – mandatory

  • Description for how can i contribute with Link to Github repository

FAQ`s – optional

  • Roadmap - optional