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This page aims at providing additional information for upgrading Harbor container registry, which operates in the Kubernetes environment and is deployed with Helm. It extends the official Upgrading Harbor Deployed with Helm page, where the upgrade process is well described. See the following upgrade hints:

  • Always backup your Harbor instance before upgrade
  • Normally Harbor helm upgrade from 2 minor versions lower should be tested, but always validate your planned upgrade path with recommendations in the official docs.
  • The step-by-step upgrade is needed because of possible DDL changes in the Harbor database. Harbor core service executes the migrations scripts automatically. The helm upgrade process may fail in the case of the failure of migration scripts. Hence, it is a good idea to run migration scripts with a pre-upgrade job. Harbor Helm has an option enableMigrateHelmHook which separates the database migration from Harbor core and runs the migration job as a pre-upgrade hook.