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This page briefly describes and provides pointers on how Harbor persists data when it is deployed in a Kubernetes cluster environment. It points out the default persistence settings of Harbor helm chart as well as available options.

Harbor, by design, consists of multiple (micro)services that could store their data variously, based on the Harbor configuration, see the Architecture Overview of Harbor.

Data Access Layer


  • Usage
    • Key value storage used as a login session cache, a registry manifest cache, and a queue for the jobservice (e.g. see Trivy)
  • Default settings
    • Deployed as an "internal" single node database into the same Kubernetes cluster as Harbor (helm value: redis.type.internal)
    • Deployed as a StatefulSet with 1 replica
    • PV persistence is enabled by default (helm value: persistence.enabled.true), Redis POD mounts PV into the /var/lib/redis directory
  • Additional settings
    • Harbor could be pointed to the "external" Redis (or Redis Sentinel) database (helm value: redis.type.external)
    • "Internal" Redis could be deployed without any persistence, i.e. it could use emptyDir (helm value: persistence.enabled.false)
  • Notes

Database (PostgreSQL)

  • Usage
    • Stores the related metadata of Harbor models, like projects, users, roles, replication policies, tag retention policies, scanners, charts, and images
    • Could store JobService logs (helm value: jobservice.jobLoggers.[database])
  • Default settings
    • Deployed as an "internal" single node database into the same Kubernetes cluster as Harbor (helm value: database.type.internal)
    • Deployed as a StatefulSet with 1 replica
    • PV persistence is enabled by default (helm value: persistence.enabled.true), PostgreSQL POD mounts PV into the /var/lib/postgresql/data directory
  • Additional settings
    • Harbor could be pointed to the "external" database (PostgreSQL) (helm value: database.type.external)
    • "Internal" database could be deployed without any persistence, i.e. it could use emptyDir (helm value: persistence.enabled.false)

OCI Distribution Registry

  • Usage
    • Backend storage of container images and charts
  • Default settings
    • Images and charts are stored in registry POD filesystem directory /storage (helm value: persistence.imageChartStorage.type.filesystem), this directory is mounted to the PV
  • Additional settings
    • Various object storage backends: "azure", "gcs", "s3", "swift", "oss" (helm value: persistence.imageChartStorage.type.<backend>)
    • Backend storage could beemptyDir (helm value: persistence.enabled.false)

Fundamental Services

Proxy, Core, Web Portal

  • These Harbor services are stateless


  • Usage
    • A 3rd party vulnerability scanner provided by Aqua Security
  • Default settings
    • Deployed as a StatefulSet with 1 replica
    • PV persistence is enabled by default (helm value: persistence.enabled.true), Trivy POD mounts PV into the /home/scanner/.cache directory
  • Additional settings
    • Trivy could be deployed without any persistence, i.e. it could use emptyDir (helm value: persistence.enabled.false)
  • Notes


  • Usage
    • General job execution queue service to let other components/services submit requests of running asynchronous tasks concurrently
  • Default settings
    • Deployed as a Deployment with 1 replica
    • Store logs in the POD filesystem directory /var/log/jobs (helm value: jobservice.jobLoggers.[file]), this directory is mounted to the PV
  • Additional settings
    • JobService could be deployed without any persistence, i.e. it could use emptyDir (helm value: persistence.enabled.false)
    • Logs could be stored in Harbor database (helm value: jobservice.jobLoggers.[database]) or just printed to the STDOUT (helm value: jobservice.jobLoggers.[stdout])