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This page aims at providing a step-by-step guide for lift and shift migration of Harbor container registry, which operates in the Kubernetes environment and is deployed with Helm. This migration scenario uses Velero tool which enables moving your Harbor instance as-is from one Kubernetes environment to another Kubernetes environment. The motivation behind this could be e.g. migration from one cloud provider to another, an outdated Kubernetes environment of your Harbor instance or avoiding the Harbor in-place upgrade.

Note that the official Harbor's documentation contains an "Upgrade Harbor and Migrate Data" page that instructs users on how to upgrade and migrate Harbor data from one instance to another. This tutorial supports only deployments that have been installed by Harbor installer script. Hence, Harbor instances running in docker containers and spawned by docker-compose.

Note that this guide is not limited to Harbor deployments that utilize SCS environments. Visit the prerequisites section to see what is required for a successful migration. These prerequisites come out of the box when the SCS infrastructure and KaaS are used for Harbor deployment, hence it is convenient to use them.


As this scenario uses a backup and restore procedure for the migration process, this section refers to the prerequisites section in Harbor - backup and restore docs page.

Kubernetes clusters

This migration scenario expects that you want to migrate your Harbor instance between different Kubernetes clusters that could live in different environments (e.g. OpenStack projects) or even in different cloud providers. Let's call them Cluster_A and Cluster_B. Cluster_A represents the Kubernetes cluster where your Harbor currently operates and Cluster_B represents the target Kubernetes cluster to which you want to migrate your Harbor.

As Cluster_A and Cluster_B do not have to share the same infrastructure it is convenient to use a full Harbor data backup (not a snapshot) using Restic integration in Velero. In this case, Cluster_A and Cluster_B should have Kubernetes version 1.16 or greater. For further details about Restic-Velero integration refer to the
related Velero docs.

Kubernetes versions of Cluster_A and Cluster_B may differ. In this case, it is not unusual to see the Kubernetes API group versions differing between clusters. This incompatibility may cause issues during the migration of your Harbor instance. By default, Velero only backs up resources that use the preferred version of the Kubernetes API. However, Velero also includes a feature, Enable API Group Versions, that overcomes this limitation and backup all Kubernetes API group versions that are supported on the source Cluster_A. Then, if this feature is also enabled on the Cluster_B, Velero will make the best choice of Kubernetes API version which is defined in the group name of both source Cluster_A and target Cluster_B based on API group version priority order, read docs for further details. If the above is the case consider installing Velero on both clusters with a feature flag --features=EnableAPIGroupVersions. Note that this feature is still in beta.

S3 bucket and EC2 credentials

This guide assumes that the public cloud's object store with S3-compatible API is available as the storage backend for Velero. Refer to the S3 bucket and EC2 credentials section in the backup and restore docs and create a bucket that will be later used for the migration.

Velero client

Install the Velero client on your local environment, refer to Velero client.

Velero server

Install Velero server components along with the appropriate plugins, into the both (Cluster_A and Cluster_B) clusters. Keep in mind that we will use Restic uploader in Velero, hence follows interactions on how to do that in the related docs section Velero server. Do not forget to add --kubeconfig argument to install Velero server components to the Cluster_A and then to the Cluster_B. The rest of arguments should be the same:

velero install \
--kubeconfig <path to the kubeconfig file of Cluster_[A,B]> \
--provider aws \
--plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.6.1 \
--bucket velero-backup \
--secret-file ~/.aws/credentials \
--use-volume-snapshots=false \
--uploader-type=restic \
--use-node-agent \
--backup-location-config region=RegionOne,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=

It is a good practice to configure the backup location in the Cluster_B as read-only. This will make sure that the backup created from Cluster_A is not deleted from the object store by mistake during the restore to Cluster_B. To do this you can just edit the default BackupStorageLocation resource in Cluster_B.

$ kubectl -n velero --kubeconfig <path of Cluster_B kubeconfig> edit backupstoragelocations default
# Set the `accessMode` to `ReadOnly`
# spec:
# accessMode: ReadOnly


Before we start to migrate Harbor instance from one environment to another go through the Backup and restore section and read various limitations of the backup/restore process to be aware of the potential impact on your Harbor instance.

  1. Backup Harbor instance in Cluster_A
    • Set Harbor to the ReadOnly mode
    • Exclude the volume of Redis in backup in Cluster_A
      # replace the namespace and pod name with yours
      kubectl -n default --kubeconfig <path of Cluster_A kubeconfig> annotate pod/harbor-harbor-redis-0
    • Back up Harbor in Cluster_A
      velero backup create harbor-backup --kubeconfig <path of Cluster_A kubeconfig> --include-namespaces default --default-volumes-to-fs-backup --wait
      This creates a full backup of all resources in the given namespace including their persistent storages (besides Redis PV).
    • Optionally: Unset Harbor from the ReadOnly mode. Keep in mind that the ReadOnly mode protects your Harbor instance from deleting repository, artifact, tag, and pushing images. This ensures that the Harbor instance in Cluster_A will be in sync with the Harbor instance in Cluster_B after you restored Harbor instance from the backup in Cluster_B. Therefore, it is recommended to not unset Harbor from the ReadOnly mode in Cluster_A.
  2. Restore Harbor instance in Cluster_B
    • Restore from the Backup
      # replace the backup and restore names with yours
      velero restore create harbor-restore --from-backup harbor-backup --kubeconfig <path of Cluster_B kubeconfig> --wait
      Velero backed up the whole namespace where the Harbor instance lives in Cluster_A, therefore the restored namespace in Cluster_B may contain resources (e.g. service, ingress, TLS certificates) that expose Harbor instance in the same way as in Cluster_A. It is a good practice to test this Cluster_B instance before you allow users to use it.
    • Unset Harbor from the ReadOnly mode. As we set Harbor in Cluster_A to ReadOnly when doing the backup, the instance is still in ReadOnly mode after restoring. Unset Harbor from the ReadOnly mode after you check its functionality.