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Backup and restore

This page aims at providing a step-by-step guide for backup and restore Harbor container registry using Velero tool. It extends the official Harbor backup-restore docs page with up-to-date commands, explanations, and an extensive prerequisites section. This guide references and uses Velero in v1.10.2 as this is the latest stable version at the time of writing this guide.

It provides guidance and commands that readers are encouraged to try out by themselves on Harbor deployment as described in the next sections. It does not aim at providing an exhaustive list of commands nor all the possible ways how to use them.

The guide covers two strategies to save Harbor data:

  • Backup: a regular backup created by the restic integration in Velero as described in the related docs
  • Snapshot: a point-in-time snapshot be the Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshot support in Velero as described in the related docs

Before you choose the right strategy for your Harbor deployment backup, make sure that you understand differences between the backup and snapshot. In general, for long-term protection of Harbor data, you may use backup and for temporary protection of data (e.g. before Harbor upgrade) you may use snapshot.

Note that this guide is not limited to Harbor deployments that utilize SCS environments, but it is required to have a set of tools and services (e.g. Kubernetes CSI plugin with volume snapshot support, S3 compatible object store for backups) for successful backup and restore procedure (see the prerequisites section). These tools and services come out of the box when the SCS infrastructure and KaaS are used for Harbor deployment, hence it is convenient to use them.


Kubernetes cluster

If you want to use snapshot to back up Harbor data ensure the following:

  • Your cluster is Kubernetes version 1.20 or greater
  • Your cluster is running a CSI driver capable of support volume snapshots at the v1 API level. To enable creating volume snapshots, the snapshot-controller and its CRDs should be deployed in the Kubernetes cluster as well. The snapshot-controller is independent of any CSI Driver. These prerequisites come out of the box with the SCS KaaS solution.

If you want to create Harbor backup ensure the following:

  • Your cluster is Kubernetes version 1.16 or greater

If your cluster meets the above, export its kubeconfig path in env. variable KUBECONFIG:

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig

S3 bucket and EC2 credentials

This guide assumes that the public cloud's object store with S3-compatible API is available as the storage backend for Velero. In this guide, we are using OpenStack Swift which offers S3-compatible API. Let's create an S3 bucket on Swift object storage and EC2 credentials that will be later used by Velero.

You should have access to your OpenStack project, and the OpenStack RC file that contains access values. Set the environment variables by sourcing the OpenStack RC file:

source <project>

Swift object store service does not support application credentials authentication to access S3 API. To authenticate in S3 API, you should generate and use the EC2 credentials mechanism. Note that EC2 credentials are associated with a user and are scoped only to a specific project. EC2 credentials are not protected by limited roles, expiration time, or access rules, therefore they have the same access as the user who created them. If you want to restrict EC2 credentials you could use application credentials for their creation, then EC2 credentials should inherit a (potentially) limited subset of roles that creator owns (see this for details).

You can generate EC2 credentials as follows:

$ openstack ec2 credentials create
| Field | Value |
| access | <aws_access_key_id> |
| links | {'self': '<user_id>/credentials/OS-EC2/<project_id>'} |
| project_id | <project_id> |
| secret | <aws_secret_access_key> |
| trust_id | None |
| user_id | <user_id> |

Write down aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key values from the output of openstack ec2 credentials create command and store them in the ~/.aws/credentials file as follows:

mkdir ~/.aws
cat >~/.aws/credentials <<EOF
aws_access_key_id = <aws_access_key_id>
aws_secret_access_key = <aws_secret_access_key>

This credential file is then used as an access and secret source for AWS CLI tool and also as a source for Velero. If your environment does not have AWS CLI installed, install it as follows:

pip3 install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint

Finally, create a new bucket. Note that the following command contains endpoint-url argument that points AWS CLI to the GX-SCS OpenStack Swift object store API.

aws --endpoint-url s3 mb s3://velero-backup

Velero client

In this guide, we are using Velero to back up and restore a Harbor instance. Velero is an open source tool to safely back up and restore, perform disaster recovery, and migrate Kubernetes cluster resources.

Go through the official docs and install the Velero client on your desired environment. If your environment is Linux distribution you can use the following steps and install the Velero client from the GitHub release binaries:

tar -zxvf velero-v1.10.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv velero-v1.10.2-linux-amd64/velero /usr/local/bin/

Velero server

Install Velero server components along with the appropriate plugins, into the Kubernetes cluster. This will create a namespace called velero, and place a deployment named velero in it. Note that the installation command sets the bucket velero-backup that has been created a few steps earlier as well as EC2 credentials located in ~/.aws/credentials file. Also note that the region and s3Url parameters are GX-SCS specific. For further details about installation options, supported storage providers, and more visit the official Velero docs.

  • If you want to use snapshot to back up Harbor data:
    • Install Velero:
     velero install \
    --features=EnableCSI \
    --provider aws \
    --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.6.1,velero/velero-plugin-for-csi:v0.4.2 \
    --bucket velero-backup \
    --secret-file ~/.aws/credentials \
    --backup-location-config region=RegionOne,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url= \
    --snapshot-location-config region=RegionOne,enableSharedConfig=true
    • In order to allow Velero to do Volume Snapshots, we need to deploy a new VolumeSnapshotClass. Create a velero-snapclass.yaml file as follows:
    cat > velero-snapclass.yaml << EOF
    deletionPolicy: Delete
    kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
    name: csi-cinder-snapclass-in-use-v1-velero
    labels: "true"
    force-create: "true"
    • Apply the new class:
    kubectl apply -f velero-snapclass.yaml
  • If you want to create Harbor backup with Restic:
    • Install Velero:
    velero install \
    --provider aws \
    --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.6.1 \
    --bucket velero-backup \
    --secret-file ~/.aws/credentials \
    --use-volume-snapshots=false \
    --uploader-type=restic \
    --use-node-agent \
    --backup-location-config region=RegionOne,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=

Backup and restore

Note that the following backup steps mainly point to actions from an official Backup And Restore Harbor With Velero tutorial. In this guide, find the added value from additional explanations/hints and up-to-date commands.

Harbor, by design, consists of multiple (micro)services that could store their data variously, based on the Harbor configuration. See the Harbor persistence docs for further information regarding the Harbor persistence layer. The following steps cover cases when Harbor persistence is enabled and the "internal" databases (PostgreSQL and Redis) are used.

Note that Redis key-value database is not backed up in both cases, i.e. when "internal" or "external" Redis instance is used. As a result, the user sessions of logged users that are stored in Redis will be lost. Hence, after the restore, users should log in again. This data loss should be a low impact on your restored Harbor instance.

PostgreSQL database should be backed up as it stores important metadata of Harbor models, like projects, users, roles, etc. The backup and restore of "internal" PostgreSQL instance is covered by this guide. The "external" PostgreSQL backup is not supported by the official tutorial and is out of the scope of this guide as well.

Also, keep an eye on the official backup and restore limitations section to be aware of the potential impact on your Harbor instance. The limitation: The upload purging process may cause backup failure mentioned that it is better to increase registry upload purging interval (it is a background process that periodically removes orphaned files from the upload directories of the registry, see the docs). This interval is by default set to 24h (helm value: registry.upload_purging.interval). If you do not want to change the registry configuration at all you should ensure that the backup will be performed in the middle of two rounds of purging. This background process starts when the registry container is initialized, therefore is a good idea to check logs of the registry container and determine when is a good time to do a backup, e.g. as follows:

$ kubectl logs -l component=registry -c registry --tail -1 | grep -i purge
time="2023-04-17T09:02:08.320514706Z" level=info msg="Starting upload purge in 24h0m0s" go.version=go1.15.6 service=registry version=v2.7.1.m
time="2023-04-17T09:09:08.321004645Z" level=info msg="PurgeUploads starting: olderThan=2023-04-10 09:09:08.320738572 +0000 UTC m=-604379.969424455, actuallyDelete=true"
time="2023-04-17T09:09:08.331433127Z" level=info msg="Purge uploads finished. Num deleted=0, num errors=0"

Backup Harbor Instance

  1. Set Harbor to the ReadOnly mode

  2. Backup Harbor:

    • Using snapshot to back up Harbor data:
      • Exclude the volume of Redis in backup, we need to label the Redis pod, PVC and PV with specific label:
        # label the Pod of Redis, replace the namespace and Pod name with yours
        kubectl -n default label pod/harbor-harbor-redis-0
        # label the PVC of Redis, replace the namespace and PVC name with yours
        kubectl -n default label pvc/data-harbor-harbor-redis-0
        # get the name of Redis PV, replace the namespace and PVC name with yours
        kubectl -n default get pvc data-harbor-harbor-redis-0 --template={{.spec.volumeName}}
        # label the PV of Redis, replace the pv-name with the one get from last command
        kubectl label pv/pv-name
      • Back up Harbor
        # replace the namespace and backup name with yours
        velero backup create harbor-backup --include-namespaces default --snapshot-volumes --wait
    • Using Restic to back up Harbor data:
      • Exclude the volume of Redis in backup
        # replace the namespace and pod name with yours
        kubectl -n default annotate pod/harbor-harbor-redis-0
      • Back up Harbor
        velero backup create harbor-backup --include-namespaces default --default-volumes-to-fs-backup --wait
  3. Unset Harbor from the ReadOnly mode

Restore Harbor Instance

Restore Harbor Instance