We’re an open community
Our meetings are publicly announced and we are happy to welcome both newcomers and established members alike. You can navigate either through the calendar below or subscribe with your favorite client to The calendar is collaboratively maintained on GitHub and new entries, such as a lightning talk, are highly appreciated!
Collaborating with issues and pull requests
We use the GitHub flow to track and discuss changes in issues, then propose and review changes in pull requests. See the GitHub documentation for more details.
Project updates
- Weekly with all teams on Thursday at 15:05 CEST (40 mins)
- In some weeks we schedule an additional lightning talk at 15:40 CEST
Sprint review/Backlog refinement/Sprint planning meetings
- Weekly Team meetings (~1hr) for currently 4 teams:
- Team IaaS
- Team Container
- Team IAM & Security
- Team Operations
- Please refer to the public calendar above for details.
Special interest groups (SIGs) and hacking sessions
- There are a number of SIG meetings and hacking sessions that meet weekly or bi-weekly
- SIG Monitoring and Logging
- SIG Standardization and Certification
- SIG Documentation
- SIG Community
- SIG Central API
- Please refer to the public calendar above for details.